Searching For Something? || Searching for Courage

Sunday, April 21, 2024 || 11:00am

Grace Rogers || Howard & Mary Martin Ministry Intern

Acts 4:5-12, & 11 John 3:16-24

AirTags and sensors can help us find lost items. Smart phones can facilitate a search for a loved one’s location or a lost package. People can assist us in searching for a new job, house, or even a significant other. But how do we search for something that is not easily found? What if our search is not for a tangible thing? Join us this spring as we together ponder how we might find some of what we are searching for—the very longings that can raise us to new life.

What does it mean to be courageous in our faith, in our relationships, in our lives? So often courage is marketed as strength and brute force to do the hard things in life, but what if instead, courage was something softer and more intimate, but just as powerful? Join us this morning as we continue our worship series, Searching for Something…?, by exploring what it means to be Searching for Courage.  

Lee Schriber