Searching For Something? || Searching for Growth

Sunday, April 28, 2024 || 11:00am

Lee J. Schriber, Minister of Engagement & Discipleship

Acts 8:26-40, & John 15:1-8

AirTags and sensors can help us find lost items. Smart phones can facilitate a search for a loved one’s location or a lost package. People can assist us in searching for a new job, house, or even a significant other. But how do we search for something that is not easily found? What if our search is not for a tangible thing? Join us this spring as we together ponder how we might find some of what we are searching for—the very longings that can raise us to new life.

So often growth is restricted by the things from the past that hold us back or limit our access to walk freely in the light, but what if we were able to cut away some of those things that prevent us from flourishing in new life. Join MVP this week as we explore Jesus' teaching of the True Vine and as we wrestle with the question from the Book of Acts "What is to prevent me from being baptized?" as we continue our worship series, Searching for Something…?, by exploring how we might change the way we think about Searching for Growth

Lee Schriber